Monday 27 May 2024

About arctic summer

 If the arctic summer is not good enough for life, one might try this, also outdoors, maybe partly as if wishing well for younger generation plants and insects, etc. See 

There might be also something at 

Of the for most much too northern trees in Alaska and Canada, maybe one can look at them in the summer when it is above 0C and there is no snow, somewhat like North European trees when it is -10C or -20C or colder, with at least 10cm or more snow on the ground, maybe the upmost layer powder like quite new snow. Maybe one could understand such if one considered the area eskimo country, eskimos having come from more northern areas where it is so cold and snowy that it is jyst natural to only look at trees, without so atmospherically copying from them as if sharing same ways of living doing etc. 

Maybe those liking Alaska, would like for a similar reason the life skills that seem to be a part of basic school teachers' education. 

If one is wandering somewhere with a good spirit, wishing well for life, if one has healthy kind of wisdom of life, it can help the area around flourish. And if one feels too exhausted or physically drained to care for such, one should wish well to small insects etc that have come to the surface of one's feet, hands, to obe's clothes etc, since those may be the ones most exhausted. See , wishing well in a landscape is often relieving for life there, since it makes possible to respect the wishes of the wild animals and plants living there, and so it is easier to wander there respecting the life of the nature living wisely in the seasons of the whole yeaf. 

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30th of June 2024   About kind of stony rugged feeling and pain in the stlmach in the summer 

" It seems that not feeling well in the summer, when living very north, often gets replaced by feeling well and enjoying the summer, if one thinks of the sommer in connection with all the seasons that far north, and thinks that it is fine and great to live just in this climate, whose expression this summer too is. But so , if one would want more some other kind of climate, value such seasons of the year, such a climate greatly, one should move to live there instead. "

Cold and fighting

 If it happens on some ship or at Alaska that some fight without much other reason than the cold weathers, if they fight in a clumsy orcstur...