Saturday 27 July 2024

Cold and fighting

 If it happens on some ship or at Alaska that some fight without much other reason than the cold weathers, if they fight in a clumsy orcsturdy way as if in too cold colliding more easily than in warn weather. One would need to choose the destination so warm that tree branches there and the whole climate's ways of living on doing would be more slight and song like, sensitively observing and in a good mood that is somewhat song like. 

Thursday 4 July 2024

Separate short advices about correcting toward healthy natural ways of living

 If one admires the wisdom of lufe of some other culture and place, living in the present town often feels like in a weird rythm, wrong style of thinking perspective, etc, so one maybe produces needlessly many technical narkings and gets a reputation as unwise. Similarly, continuing in a wrong town or country to get some work done, maybe produces such marking of a square style. The quality would be much better if one coukd live and work in the place and culture which one values. 

If some elderly maybe needs some tough food or sports, one maybe gets i fluencies from the younger generatiobs, so the likely type of food needed would be the traditional foods at the common big celebratiobs of just about all the relatives, i.e. at least all generations of the relatives. 

Thursday 20 June 2024

Weather like wine, advice

 "  There is a charm of a landscaoe with at least some nature in it. And if you at some moment look at some tree (maybe it is often more lije a short glance with some of tge landscape and clouds, type of light, feel of the air etc weather like things in it too and especially the season of the year noticed too - an atmospheric second?, and later attention mostly in the landscape and weather like factors), tall grasses or slme other nature in the landscape to see it's style and charm, in which there is some atmosphere of the weathers, a view of living the weathers in a charming way. If one folliws that atmospheric, kind of colour sensations oriented view with the air too somehow observed in it, the weathers, if one folliws such a way of living. And the next moment or after a short while looks again at the beauty of some nature, and finds so an atmospheric way of living the season and the weathers. Is it somewhat lije the weathers like wine, which at first would seem to refer to the charm of spring together with it's birdsong. 

Just wander in the landscape like those atmospheres suggest, admiring the beauty of the nature around, like on a short walk, or in pieces of a few steps, to learn variations according to the beauty of nature and the demands of the weathers. 

It is mostly an impression when watchibg a tree or a beautiful nature view, that someone would walk enjoyably so, in a kind of atmospheric way which senses colours etc enjoyably. And so if one oneself decides to try such, pay attention to such charm in the landscape in the near minutes, it is very enjoyable, or then one did not catch it right, or is not of that type enough - like year around according to such advices of the weathers of just that climate would be good for living there. 


* * * * *

The video's texts brought to my mind someone trying to figure out well affecting medicines, which brought my attempt at such for something in the direction of the weathers in this song of Cat Stevens : a slice of dark bread with a slight layer of butter or oil on it.


Dark wheat bird's song in my ears,
above the wheat seeds full moon;
summer nights happiness is mine,
to a mist dresses themselves the valleys.
I am not joyful, I am not sad or sighing;
but bring to me forest's dark colours,
the red of the clouds to which day vanishes,
faraway sight of a windy hill that sleeps,
the scent of tiny pink flowers and the shadows of lakes;
of these I weave my heart's song.

To you I sing miss, summer grass,
my heart's great silence,
my religion, sing as melodies,
an oak leaves head decoration lush, new.
I am no longer tracing vanishing fake lights,
in my hand happiness's gold,
life's sphere around me gets smaller;
time stops, wind indicator sleeps;
in my front a twilighty road
leads to an unfamiliar cottage."

Eino Leino (My translation)

From my blog 

How far north is too north for life?


"  In tge northest edges of inhabited land there are areas where some people, for example raindeer herders spend daily at least some time outdoors, maybe the nomads even a lot. So it can be said that some people can luve there in that climate. On the other hand it seems that in Alaska even Swedish weather skills are not enough and one is kind of catching cold worse and worse, I guess against expectations, which may relate to not being able to lean on trees and the wild nature in living the weathers and the seasons of the year, the nature's view on a good way of life there. And a person catching cold as if in a changed too thin coat, maybe relates to it being easier to learn from such a video than if the nature there somehow just does not feel ok for human lufe there. In the Finnish Lappland there is said to be a railroad between Finland and Sweden somewhere quite north and I read from somewhere that some mine carriage teain had fallen from the tracks there, yet it had been unrepaired for over a month in the middle of summer, so it sounnded like an impossible place for northern milutary service men too to work there. But I have a vague memory of someone having said years ago that if it were war time and people shooting around, there would not be such a problem in repair work, since the level of toughness is that big. As I have watched some videos related to Alaska, there seems to be lots of unnecessary sounding myrders there for the same reason: the nature somehow not good enough for human life, and so half the reason is that one needs to know beforehand of the danger of death being huge there. I also have an impression that Alaskans have the tendency to fight also in Finnish Lappland where it is possible for many to luve in normal way, many like ourdoors holudays there, even tjough some, especially sone tourists, may spend almist all time indoors. So I also have the impression as if read or geard from somewhere an Alaskan helicopter flying aroubd Korvatunturi and shooting, as if trying to get the Christmas work function well, but as far as I know that has not been needed there at all. In Sweden Lapplsnd is somewhat more southern. And my imoression of Canada is it being like eskimo land, eskimos having a lush summer, while others do not see it so. 


As far as I understand, Santa Claus Lands are meant to be so north that the culture in questions understands that one ought to aim at a very good quality there. So for the eskimos it maybe could be the North Pole, but for others in North America, the Town of Santa Claus in Indiana, at tge southern side of the three great lakes in north-eastern USA, sound more right in the climate leaving it possible for skilled wise adults to reach for their very best. In Finland, Korvatunturi has maybe been such for those who spend almost daily some time outdoors in the Finnish Lappland, but at least for me influencies from Lappland make me fall ill, so that is much too northern for me. Eastern Finland seems better suited for high quality, for example Savonlinna and somewhat southwards from there. While I wonder if most foreigners would feel Estonia to be such with their emphazis on literature, bakery, etc. And so the good quality outskirts of livable area vary from culture to culture. 


If in the very north where there still is some trees, one cannot lean on tge atmospheric wisdom of the trees there, since such leaning is somewhat like in 5C to 25C, and there tge temperatures mostly are only a little bit above zero or even much freezing. So one should use one's sense of sight, maybe like -1C to -25C or I do not know. But anyway, since one cannot lesn on the trees, can one observe the landscape as a whole, paying attention to the atmosphere tones of the snow in slight small hills, etc, is there any charm, any image in mind of some old times' skilled skiiers wandering there, any idea of such ways of wandering, their charm and wisdom of lufe, their routes propably leaving more room for the trees, of their ways of living, ways of wandering in different weathers, what is their wisdom, what are their values which increase skills, how is their society kept up and living environment livable, especially from generation to generation.


Of mildening stomach aches, in Finnish A261. at 

That is different from 

I think that making indoors nice matters a lot, like in the spring advices near the poem at my text about the seasons, and like in my book "Magnifient Views: and nice to live in", which both you can find at .

In cold climates some warm, surely warm enough and nicely kept blankets, and good woolen socks available in sight, for example folded leisurely on a free chair, kind of keep one's emotional life softer also in the not-at-all so  cold times. I guess there may be some more southern influencies via nedia, social contacts, maybe even some unseen hiding animals moved here from the warmer climates. 

I think that square forms may make it more difficult to listen to feelings and atmospheres sensitively all the time so that one notices well and detailedly what each one needs, what is the weather, how big was the strain from life today or lately, and what food would so be good, is one's posture varying according to life, like tiredness, observatiobs, motivation type, etc, or too rigid to notice. When I was in school age, we had indoors by the door a walking stick like piece of quite slender tree trunk, without bark but as if for a handle the bark left to the upper end. It was somewhat curving (several small curves) and nice, natural, quite light, and we used it for keeping the door open when ventilating downstairs, and in the Christmas we used it as Santa Claus' walking stick "Are there any well behaving children here?" 


This book "A Sorcerer, Book 2.: Skills for Harmony", see , is my view of how to live according to healthy common sense, in a way that ought to be benefical for life around too. 

23th of May 2024   In comparison around June here in southern Finland : 

In the end of May, when one first times ooens the outdoor to the garden so that there are full leaves, maybe flowers, maybe also flowering bushes and fliwering trees, etc, really summee, and birdsong, and one is stopoed at the wooden stairs to think that this flourishing is our summer, what our summer is like. 

Midsummer with children playing around, the amount of light and twilight slowly changing and obe thinkibg of this fine place to live in also in the context of the seasons of the whole year, and what wisdom of life wehave in this climate. 

Still it is somewhat stiff and scarce like more northern areas often are, but we don't quite know why, since mist here do not feel well in hot weather and when there comes some influence from more southern or tropical ways of living, we just feel ill and unhappy from it and don't know why the nature there would be any wiser or lives at all as happy as here where weathers demand wisdom year around. Sometimes I wonder would a more slimperson in a warm climate anyway learn wisdom of life from the varying weathers, since one experiences them more strongly and needs to take them into account in clothes, rythms of life, etc. But often lazying which is typical in hot, brings a tendency to eat oneself more fat. 
Lately I have wondered if the heat regulatiob advice at which can be used also for cooling, coulg bring a similar wider variation in ways of living the weathers, times of the day and things done, in much warmer climates. I do not know so much about cooling, but it seems that the body can cool itself too, using the same advice. A cooling state of mind is maybe a slight fear like (or doubt like consideration) "ouch, could that be that so?" (without lising any of one's emotional balancedness) (so kind of more like pretending fear than actually feeling really in a danger, maybe like in a discussion saying as a thinking aid "well, that would be horrible, do you really think so?") kind of moving emotionally away from next to some central, in shape bone like parts of the torso or limbs, kind of an emotional flattenibg there. Or copying from the Arabs some image of what ice tea like wind cause inside the limbs. 

27th of May 2024 I copy it here: 

" About arctic summer 

 If the arctic summer is not good enough for life, one might try this, also outdoors, maybe partly as if wishing well for younger generation plants and insects, etc. See 

There might be also something at 

Of the for most much too northern trees in Alaska and Canada, maybe one can look at them in the summer when it is above 0C and there is no snow, somewhat like North European trees when it is -10C or -20C or colder, with at least 10cm or more snow on the ground, maybe the upmost layer powder like quite new snow. Maybe one could understand such if one considered the area eskimo country, eskimos having come from more northern areas where it is so cold and snowy that it is jyst natural to only look at trees, without so atmospherically copying from them as if sharing same ways of living doing etc. 

Maybe those liking Alaska, would like for a similar reason the life skills that seem to be a part of basic school teachers' education. 

If one is wandering somewhere with a good spirit, wishing well for life, if one has healthy kind of wisdom of life, it can help the area around flourish. And if one feels too exhausted or physically drained to care for such, one should wish well to small insects etc that have come to the surface of one's feet, hands, to obe's clothes etc, since those may be the ones most exhausted. See , wishing well in a landscape is often relieving for life there, since it makes possible to respect the wishes of the wild animals and plants living there, and so it is easier to wander there respecting the life of the nature living wisely in the seasons of the whole yeaf. 


28th of May 2024 

Obs. In the text hot means warm summer days and cool means unusually cool summer days, for example rainy days. So it is compared to what you are adjusted to and what is the local view of ordinary summer weathers. 

29th of May 2024   I would guess that people wanting to move to some new country or climate, loik kind of as if the place were magnifient, somewhat like a hotel and maybe having eaten almist too heavily but good food. Whike the place where they lived as a child and a teen, makes them feel squeezed, somewhat uneasy, having several opinions kind of respecting some wisdom of it but not being convinced about it being a good choice for themselves of where to move to. 

And people moving to cooler countries would look like cooling and school like finding their way. While people moving to tropics would look like liking such heat and even ways, more centered on social life, encounters, etc. People wanting to move to tundra or the like where many spend the winter indoors, seem to long for the feeling of cold and ice, snow etc, and mention school instead of wisdom, and be more knclined to social talking and keeping company indoors, and like the idea of even heat and even ways like tropics. So it often is a mixture of tundra and tropics, not like the 4 seasons usually in not so cold. One moving from tundra to warmer would have skills for staying warm, maybe a tendency to be somewhat fat and always use muscles in a not-so-leisurely style. And they would be wondering, how south they xan travel, maybe go to colder climate for tge summer, and they too kind of dreaming of tropics or so warm places without going so far. 

One can be tuned to only one kind of clinate at a time. So if one tunes oneself to the very north, one does not learn weather skills for very different climates. But if one is convinced that one is not returnibg to visit such places, say for a year or two at least, so one can tune to the climates and cultures where one wants to live, and so one can also naturally adopt the local weather related ways of living, values, rythms of life, ways of doibg and skills, etc. If one knows well some climate, it ought to be possible to return to it based on one's old skills even if one is not tuned to it all the time, but I do not see any point in returning if the place is not one's own likibg of where to live, what good sides to seek. 

Some people, is it Chinese or China oriented, have an even perspective that guides them widely in the world like a civiliced perspective that yet does not make them feel fully happy. It is maybe a civiluced perspective which allows peoole originally from the tropics travel around and live very freely even if the climate is of the 4 seasons. But to feel happy and to learn to understand wisdom, they should vary their ways of living and ways of doing so that the sports like atmosphere of moving etc naturally suit the present season. 

6th of June 2024   Some video's picture of a Chinese yard or opening between traditional houses, paved with stones, without any greenery, and in the open space Chinese kungfu practice or the like, made me ponder as if someone had said to me, that how north can it be if there are no plants in sight, is it possible in the very north if they just keep it clean from snow, and then they xan have a picture of it fof people to ponder, if they just want to live there and feel well in so cold. Is it so that the traditional Chinese house miljos are quite many what would maybe look nice with piles of snow, even if there would be no trees in sight? And the kind of clumsy movements typical for some Chinese, would those be good for kungfu on slippery surface? 

* * * * *

11th of June 2024   Moving from a cold climate to tropics should go via warmest climates of the four seasons, since those teach skills for changing climate to warm. If one instead aims straight to tropics, the climate difference may be too big, if the cultural influencies from the tropics say that only one option can be the best for any single person. 

Similarly, if some want to change to the tundra or so where some sit indoors most of the year, such a forefigure does not teach skills of changing climate. So one ought to copy from those cultures of the four seasons where people spend some time outdoors daily througout the year, and where the winter coldest is maybe -10C, and so manage to learn the climate change. ??

12th of June 2024   The snow covers melting to puddles and snow, and similarly the other times of the year, compare with the rest of the four seasons and get their beauty and charm from it, the person looking at the landscape thinking that this is the charm of life this far north, but so living there demands in some way very much that one would like just that cold and scarce seasons, such life in one's heart, and so one's kids etc maybe cannot bear it. Each one should live in a climate that one likes, qhich is as flourishing and warm as one needs and enjoys all the year. 

17th of June 2024   An ok angel 

" "  ( The Finnish word for an angel is "enkeli", in which "en" means "No, I am not...", and "keli" means weather to travel in, and those both have to be taken into account: freedom to folliw one's likibgs in miral ways, and takkng the situations into account, the situations of all, and folliwing civiluced valyes and healthy wisdom of life. )

27th of April 2024    Learned from changing weathers demanding individual judgement to stay alive, like the melting of the ice cover of a lake in the spring time. 

16th of April 2024   First, follow civiliced values with good quality. Then have some independency, the right to refuse, so as to have some personal fracturelessness and healthy kibd of wisdom in lufe choices. Pay attention to weather like situatiobs: does the thing seem good, wished for in tge world, and for you right now, and for others, kibd of taking the ibfo of feelibgs into accoubt well, since often drawbacks are difficult to put to words, since those are often in another perspective or side or between perspectives, but kind of felt atmospheric fracturelessness in how one is in a landscape may help one notice such and take them wusely into account. 



If one touches by one's clean bare hand, a sunny spot where the snow is melting, or the ground at a melted spot, or some untouched green leaf, one can get so a feel of a good spirit with which to live such a time of the year. 

My text about the four seasons in southern or eastern Finland, see , includes also this advice. I think that it is good to know a few possible alternatives about how to live, even if those are entirely different, so one can better find vocabulary to how one oneself wants to live. Without such forefigure like kniwledge as comparison points one is much more at loss about life skills, kind of without a map. So one needs local forefigures, honest enough and of varied kinds instead of all study pals or the like.


I feel that on a lake shore one ought to at least sometimes squat (kneel to / almost to the ground), maybe try by one's bare hand quicly the feel of the water of the lake, and quietly look at the landscape, letting the atmosphere of the nature be undisturbed, both near and in the wider environment, think of the atmosphere, weathers, nature's lufe there and the seasons there, and think that obe's forefathers maybe lived such a life or somebody's forefathers visited there long time ago, or at least the forefathers or forefigures of the wild animals in the landscape lived there already a long time ago. And so try to see how to oneself live in that landscape for a wvile, wandering along some route a quite short distance from the shore, looking at the landscape around, feeling it's atmosphere, trying to find some of it's typical sense of beauty, remembering the seasons there too. 


From my blog : 

" Beneficial for life 


My own home as an adult has sometimes had a honey like atmosphere. I value animals and nature, admire bees, and I tend to think that it is good to leave things at home in a way that is good for life, but sincere enough so as to know where one needs to learn better ways of living. I value wisdom of life a lot and consider good ways of doing important. I think strongly that wishing well in the world and being fair in one's life are important values to follow in practice, always in everything. 

My books 

From my blog 



Life in the cold climates is tough for plants and animals, so I feel that the wild animals and plants would flourish better if one showed respect for their task to live the four seasons there, for the skills and virtues it demands too, and kind of let the nature's atmosphere, beauty be a guide of how to behave there, leave the nature and it's atmospheric beauty and the wisdom of how to live in such a climate fractureless, not disturbed by humans. 

At some time in Savonlinna in eastern Finland I wondered how the small soft fly like insects could survive the winter outdoors, I came to think that maybe trees have some spiritual connectiln with some other trees of the same species, kind of safeguarding it's own kind of wisdom, even as if magic of trees living a life typical to tgat species. Is there some such view of the trees living in the very north too? There may be tough life for the trees and plants and animals dying of too harsh life. When my poodle and earluer my Japanese spitz died, I afterwards felt it good to remember them polutely at a distance, wishing well, like sending a postcard greeting sometimes but mostly quite seldom, and so I felt the dogs having continued to some other kind of lufe elsewhere, but anyway the sorrow has been easier so. And I feel that many northern living beings with weather skills need such independency, even though some might talk of death. I feel that respect and good will from a distance are often needed where there are high skills and good will wisely in the world. 

So wise, with healthy kind of common sense and wisdom of life according to feelings, healthy agws old ways of living that those are miracle healing, might be needed where lufe is tough. At least such wishing well and cultivating wisdom and following beautiful healthy kind of values in the world, are needed in so north. My view of healing ought to be at and many of my books at .


If one thinks of the bare stony tops of mountains etc, such seem to correspond to the lives of many who are the most skilled in something, so that others rarely produce good enough quality in such matters, except when one sets the required skill level much lower. So politicians and other high leaders would be at the height of flourishing well running lufe, skilled enough to understand how to get such to work well, and ordknary enough in their choices so that the masses can folliw them without any bug problems. 


It came to my mind the song "Hi/I wish you health forest, hi mountain, hi you minor leader of a forest. Here is your son, fine/courageous, young. He steps to sight full of strenght, like the strict wind of Lapland's hills. * I want to ve a son of the forest, a hero of the in a rocky lake shore like way beautiful thick needle tree forest. In the fields of the forest god Tapio (kind of meaning one gaining skills and strenght from competing honestly and fairly with the forest's animals and plants skill level, even though one always loses to it), I wrestle? with a bear, and the world will be forgotten...." which I think suits thinking of forest of thick needle trees of kind if triangular arrow head like shape. This video has pictures of Finnish forests and lakes. The difference to Canada or Alaska is tgat there the ways seem to be good to copy from the view of the nature landscape with forests of how to live all the year, it's weathers, weather skills and be fascinated by their charm especially. While in Finland a rational wise person truly tries oneself thinking wisely but seeks to rise to the level of the forefigures kn nature teaching high skills, happiness and wise ways of living the four seasons and wisdom in the world.

18th of June 2024   I have the impression that each country or climate has a typical style or charm of the ways of living and doing that is maybe a somewhat average weather like, like Central Europe, at least France and Germany, mayba has middle autumn (October?) rain like heat regulation tactics. And Finland maybe has a sight oriented cautious but varied and enjoyably with the wide landscape like way of living like walking in -1C (with slight new snow partly covering the ground, water puddles frozen on the surface, but some pavement in sight too, and some trees, bushes, geasses etc around but wondering how will they handle the snow and cold). And do Alaska and Canada have a view of -20C in how to look at the nature, how much winter weather skills to have always along etc? 

I used to have a white Japanese spitz dog called Fuji-San Yummy Yukon, but I did not learn anything about Yukon from him. My dog said that Yukon is too much in the north, so no-one can live there. But my dog said that he had tried to eat good food and quite much, since he felt that those who are happy there need such a hint from him. He did not usually eat overly much, but he was kind of jolly somewhat fat person, a likable character, so he might eat a little bit over normal meal or sometimes several smaller or normal meals a day, depending on if the food was good, like he sometimes ate two fried sausages, or if he was in need for strenghtening because of having met on some spiritual side someone who needed healing abd who had brought ibfluencies from bad luck, even though he did get extra meal if he asked for such, since so strenous to be a miracle healer on some spiritual connection of animals. But as a puppy he ate really lot, stealing other puppies' plates. As I watched yesterday some video of Alaskan highway (in the summer time), the travellers seemed to eat hamburgers aimed at people going to an ice desert like the polar ice. I felt they woukd have needed some scratched sallad too like men are said to mix with sauge, or sour cabbage plus some quite light coloured thick ordinary sauce. 

This ought to be my only text about heavy foods, see   but these are from southern Finland. 

 19th of June 2024   The very northmost trees in North America may be what many people compare to space travel. But that relates to them living at the edge of the area where such living beings can stay alive, so it is lije the edge of a desert. To think of such one ought to understand the climate skills of surviving in such a climate, so it works out only for the people having weather skills for the cold or quite cold clinates of the four seasons. For those having climate skills primarily in the tropics, it would make better sense to compare space travel to the edge of some other kibd of desert in ghe tropics. The point seems to be to see that it is hard and that one must with one's own skills, valyes, dedicatiln etc care for the things needed for living there. So one ought to have lots of skills. But such border areas often do not teach skills so much, are not anything to lean on, except maybe for compassion, kind of give an idea of the situatiln. For space travel trees and byshes at or near space travel oriented places are teaching ways of livibg? / fascination for space travel, if one can such from them learn, and are something an astronaut maybe coukd lean on. Similarly famous ports may have bushes showing some skills, ways of living or the like for sea travellers. But anyway the very northern areas can ve seen socially or in the thoughts of sone or on sone occult side mostly connected with space travel, and one must enter some other area of lufe, maybe not so widely thought of, to jyst live there, to travel to see how the arctic nature bears the seasons, the beauty of the snowy landscape. 


Tuesday 18 June 2024

About comparing temperatures of different coubtries

 "  As far as I know, the daily temperatures in different countries are not measured in the same way. In Finland the day's temperature is usually the warmest hour's temperature, which is usually in the afternoon. As far as I know, some warmer climates do not concentrate on the highest but more like daytime average or I do not know how. Also the meaduring equipment may not be calibrated the same way. As far as I know, the measuring equipments and weather reports' temperatures are calibrated so thaat in the same sounding temperature number the ways of living of the locals who are tuned to that climate and intend to stay tuned to jyst where they luve, are alike in style, for example leisurely in the same way. 

16th of April 2024  

 I guess that Finland, Sweden, Norway and maybe Estonia too are countries and places where people tend to think that they choose absolutely these weathers and living with the weathers is an important major part of life here. Maybe so in northern USa states, Cabada, Russia, nirthern Chiba and maybe North Kores and maybe South Korea, but I do not know of that, abd maybe Chile. 

But in Central Europe, Danmark, maybe rest of the Baltic, and more southern USA states, people seem to think that "I just live in this landscape, I could live for example this way like is according to the civiliced culture around here."  


Wednesday 12 June 2024

Liian vähän syömään tottuneille viinkn kuluttajille

 Alkoholin myyminen ruokakaupoissa jätti miettimäön, miten muuten voisi parantaa elämää, katso .

Mm jäin muettimään, mitä ruokia voisivat syödä liian vähään ruokaan tottuneet viinin kuluttajat. 

Muikkukukkoa, kesäsalaattia ja lohkeavan tyyppistä jugurttia.

Kesäsalaattia, johon lisätty tonnikalaa (huom lisäämisen jälkeen salaatti menee kai pilalle minuuteissa) ja värikästä pastaa. Ruisleipäpala jolla rahkamaisen ilmavaa sulatejuustolevitettä tms.

Tuesday 11 June 2024

Lappi, tundra yms ja koulut

 Uutisissa oli jotain sairaalakouluista jossakin Lapissa. En niistä muista kuulleeni aiemmin kuin vain kerran vuosikymmeniä sitten ja senkkn llin unohtanut. Jutun kuvassa oli seinällä olevia ohjeita, jos tunteiden kanssa on vaikeaa. Ne toivat jälkikäteen mieleen, että nuoskasää, kun lumisulaa, on tuntemusten kannalta ihan erilainen kuin pakkassää tai kesäisemmätkään säät, sillä nuoskalla usein tulee pakkasten bakteerittomuuden jälkeen pöpöjä, mhin ln tottuminen, ooetteleminen. Tilanne mielestäni vertautuu ok lämpimien sisätilojen eteiseen, jossa puetaan ylle lämpöhousut, talvisaappat jne, ja sisälle tulkessa riisuteen ne ja voi olla lattialla sulavia tai äskettäin sulaneita lumipaakkuja, ja lattialla kenties karkeakarvainen (harvat pystyt 2-3cm? karvat ja ristikkopohja tms) vihreä muovimatto vähän kuin ei-niin-hyvä ruohikkojäljitelmä. 

Koulua katsotaan tarvittavan perustaitojen oppimiseen, mm säiden elämisen vaatiman oppimiskyvyn, yksilöllisyyden ja ihan fiksun järjenkäytön tason oppimiseen. Etelä-Suomessa kai moni tuumii, että muutama vuosi koulua lapsille on ok, mutta pidempi koulu tuntuu olevan järjestelykysymys. Ei ole hyvä olla aina cain oman lapsuudenperheen seurassa, mutta liian nuori ei oikein selviä omin päin kaukana maailmalla. Siksi koulun on hyvä tukea itsenäisen elämän taitoja. Ammattioppilaitokseen jatkaminen voisi llla ratkaisu, etenkin jos sillä on asuntola, joka tarjoaa mahdollisuuden asua ilmastossa, kulttuurissa ja ammatilliselta suuntautumiseltaan seudulla, joka itselle sopii. 

Lapsi, joka yrittää ooetella tietyn immaston taidot mm luonnolta, elää ko ilmastossa elämiseen sopivan näkökulman sisältä käsin, ja se on erilainen kuin muualta muuttaneiden vanhempien tai yliöäätään aikuisen kokoisten lämpötalous yms on erilainen ja niin mäkökulmakin on leppeämpi kuin ilmasto olisi toinen. 


Keväällä kun lumi sulaa, jos paljaalla kädellä koskee auringossa sulavaa kohtaa, tulee jokin kevään tuntu, kiehtova kevään ilmapiiri. Mutta se meinaa, että koskee eri kohdalta kuin aiemmat. Vastaavasti lumen joltain kohden sulettua voi maan kiskettaminen tuoda ymmärrystä kevään elämisen tavasta. Ja jos on kauniita vihreitä lehtiä tai kukkia, voi niitä vastaavasti koskettaa ja ehkä koskea kädellään heti perään kasvojaan, mutta sitä ei pidä useille lehdille tai kukille tehdä, sillä se ei ole hyväksi niille vaan on vähän kuin tallaamista. 

Jos ei ole melkein mitään vihreää, niin on kuitenkin väliä sillä, onko paikka luonnontilainen esim kallio ja ranta, vai häiritty esim kulkuneuvon ja ihmisten jäljet mudassa. Jos seudulla kasvaa sille luonnollinen kasvisto ja eläimistö, niin sen ehkä voi olettaa olevan jollain lailla ikiaikainen myös niiltä osiltaan, jotka ovat maaperää, järveä tms, ja niin sen voi jättää rauhaan, kunnioittavasti vain kyykistyä (12. kesäkuuta 2024   hiljentyen!, antaen luonnon tunnelman vallita maisemaa ja seutua, myös omaa lähiympäristöä esim rantaa) katsomaan maisemaa ja rantaa, että jaa täällä elivät esi-isät tai joide kin esi-isät kävivät, sopusoinnussa luonnon kanssa, luonnon viisauden ehdoilla eluvät, saivat suuremman ymmärryksen ja taidon mm luontomaiseman kunnioittamisesta, vähän kuin nykyihminen kunnioittaa säitä ja vuodenaikoja kestäviä luontokappaleita. 

Cold and fighting

 If it happens on some ship or at Alaska that some fight without much other reason than the cold weathers, if they fight in a clumsy orcstur...